eleanor jasmine lambert

“Love says 'I am everything.'

Wisdom says 'I am nothing.'

Between the two, my life flows.”

― Nisargadatta Maharaj


Hello, dear friend! Welcome to my confused little corner of the interweb. My name is Eleanor Jasmine Lambert, and I use she/her pronouns. I was born on unceded Tongva, Chumash and Kizh land, known as Los Angeles, and I now reside on Munsee Lenape land (Lenapehoking), known as NYC, with my partner and very small cat, both of whom can be seen all over my (currently retired?) instagram. I luv them.

I enjoy emphatically exploring the 'isms of our collective conscious, and experience deeply the inherently inextricable nature of the manifest and the unseen. I am first and foremost a human, being. Inhabiting a social location of immense privilege, it is my lifelong work to unlearn and divest from the white colonial mind - I am gratefully always learning how to do this (please see my Community page for more!). As a person of this earth, my work is to be an accomplice in restoring harmony and balance (thank you Dra. Rocío Rosales Meza for this language), a collaborator in creating a more equitable, just, love-oriented world through continuing to dismantle the ways in which systems of oppression have been indoctrinated into my being.

I am passionate about opportunities to further educate myself, as well as volunteering with orgs, mutual aid groups, and canvassing and organizing for local leftist candidates. As I learn how to operate within - and simultaneously work to dismantle - a consumer-capitalist, colonial, extractive, dehumanizing and violently patriarchal society, I have had dabbled in a few “professions,” as an actor, a journalist, and a model; within the production, service and fashion industries as well as within liberation spaces.

It is my deep belief that our need for a more equitable, safe, and sustainable world hinges on the interrelationship of personal evolution and ecosocial revolution. In the profound words of Karl Marx (introduced to me by way of Angela Davis), “Radical simply means grasping things at the root.”* To radically shift our systems, we share a duty to investigate our selves – our personal (hi)stories, our upbringings, our positionality, our experiences, and the attitudes, beliefs, behaviors and choices they produce. We must be willing to get to our root – the conditions for our collective liberation rely on dismantling the systems of domination that run today’s world, and the ways in which these systems live in our hearts, bodies and minds. We deserve and owe one another a planet where we center, support and hold in reverence and love those who have been deliberately isolated from our systems, structures and psyches. As Glenn E. Martin of Just Leaders USA says, “those closest to the issues, are those closest to the solutions.”

It is my wish to prioritize and embody individual, communal, ecological and spiritual accountability in all of my affairs. It is my intention to bring into all that I do a fuller understanding of the depths of experience, and to recognize all of life as the expression of that deep, all-accepting, ever-present awareness. All of life is interdependent and intraconnected, and nothing – that is, literally, not one single thing, thought, experience, word, emotion, person, or place – happens outside the soil of awareness from which every expression sprouts. Those distinctions between “inner” and “outer,” of “subject” and “object,” get real fuzzy as we reach beyond the surface of manifest reality and dip into that fundamental being-ness, that foundational is-ness.

When I am not sending self-tapes out into the void, I spend my moments meditating, reading, writing, working my recovery, researching too many things, pining for a moment in nature, and eating. I also love a good TV veg-out moment, obv, and I am usually enrolled in some kind of course or another. I am a learner and lover of life, an ever-evolving expression of life, the holder and the held humbly learning from and in service to that aliveness and its many beautiful expressions.

*Thank you to rim sghiri for their submission and guidance!

 “Intuition is really a sudden immersion of the soul into the universal current of life, where the histories of all people are connected, and we are able to know everything, because it’s all written there.”

Paolo Coelho - The Alchemist

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banner image by Tuco amalfi