
Welcome to my confused lil corner of the inter web. My name is Eleanor Jasmine Lambert, and I was born on Tongva, Chumash and Kizh land (modern-day Los Angeles). I now reside on Munsee Lenape land (NYC) with my partner and kitter, who can be seen above. He is ridiculous.

I enjoy emphatically exploring the 'isms of our collective conscious, and believe deeply that our quest for spiritual oneness is the pathway by which we will build a safer and more equitable, sustainable and loving world. We deserve and owe one another a planet where those who have been deliberately isolated from our systems and structures and psyches are held in love, are supported, and are centered. As Glenn E. Martin of Just Leaders USA says, “those closest to the issues, are those closest to the solutions.”

I believe it is our duty to investigate our selves, our beliefs, our experiences, our actions and our interactions, centering healing, embodied presence, and getting free – the conditions for our collective freedom rely on healing our hearts, just as they do on dismantling the racist, sexist, xenophobic, and patriarchal systems of domination that run today’s world. All of life is interdependent, and nothing happens outside of the boundless awareness from which every phenomenal expression sprouts – the distinctions between “inner” and “outer” get real fuzzy as we dip below the surface of manifest reality.

It is my wish to prioritize, exercise and embody individual, communal, ecological and spiritual accountability in all my affairs. It is my intention to bring into all that I do a fuller understanding of the depths of experience, and to recognize myself and all of life as the expression of a deep and conscious presence, a deep and accepting awareness.

I am a full-time thinker, moved deeply by the connections I see between all of life’s expressions. I spend my free moments reading, meditating, writing, working my recovery, and eating. I am a learner and lover of life, and an ever-evolving, ever-learning organizer in my communities.

I have been studying non-duality (mainly Advaita Vedanta) for the last few years, and immersing myself in the wisdom of (sometimes) similar ancient teachings for half of the last decade. Life – change – shows itself to be the deliberate toss of an inevitably two-sided coin, the initial duality of fate vs. free will, unified in “experience.” All that is perceivably separate shares a fundamental oneness, breaking the “duality” of inner and outer, mine and yours, love and fear. Everything that arises in awareness is awareness, and as awareness illuminates and is at the heart of every thing – or no-thing. Re-membering to that awareness, re-sourcing oneself, that is where I aim to plant seeds.

I have had the fortune of dabbling in a few “professions,” as a writer and a model, in the production and fashion industries, and am gratefully always learning how to organize for a more equitable, safe, healing-based world – through virtual continued education, volunteering and working with orgs, and canvassing and organizing for local Socialist candidates. I have also just begun my career in acting (sorry mom!). Currently, I am studying to receive my certification as a meditation instructor, and I also work as an Advocacy Director at a wonderful food justice organization called Seeds in the Middle.

If you are interested in collaborating on a project, exploring the awareness that undergirds our experience, or talking dog and/or cat breeds, find me at ellokitty.info@gmail.com.