As Life Lives

as life lives through us, i have found myself drawn more and more to the thread that runs through all that is – that present awareness beneath the reactivity, the root of being from which we all sprout. 

i have found creatures and places and sensations and questions and vocabulary (and... ) that remind me of the quiet and still observer beneath the surface of identity.

i forget and remember.

with every movement i am reminded of the differences in the constant companions of thought and feeling and belief and memory, in our experiences, in time, in our neural and earthbound pathways, in our definitions, in our dark nights, in what calls to us, in our bodies, in when and where and how we find space to practice patience and trust.

the truth is that in every moment, i am reminded that all i touch and experience and behold are expressions of this being, traces of the thread, budding seedlings of the is-ness, singular in our ever-interwoven and boundless totality. 

and i remember, and i forget.

as we behold this oneness, we slowly unlearn the expectation and valorization and imposition of sameness. 

and we remember, and we forget.

all of these expressions guide us. I learn and practice allowing them all to re-member me back into that wider field of consciousness, back into the shapeless stillness within and without, back into our essential motherland.

they invite us not to know the unknown - who could make such a promise? - but rather, to know the knower.

Eleanor Jasmine Lambert